Never moving from point A to point B had been so challenging!

The game is tilemovers

tilemovers is a puzzle game with tiles, which move, and are tiles. The idea is to move one of them from the initial position, to the final position.

Is this real life?

From the depths of the underworld emerges the nefarious Zootmer, diabolical architect of intricate dungeons and labyrinths. Builder of prisons, Zootmer will do the impossible to avoid the escape of our hero to the vortex of light, an infinite system of passages where with skill and dexterity and overcoming terrible enemies our hero will be able to find the way out.


Available in the following platforms:

Windows 7, 8, 10

New Features

  • Undo last move
  • Electric area (if player enter some area lost one life (3 lifes available)
  • Trasporter tile (move to other area in the board
  • Traps
  • New enemy: soul devourer
  • New enemy: the thing
  • New enemy: alien mindbender
  • Spanish traslation
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